With the coming of summer season, comes the foray of launch events of lawns from famous brands. Women look forward to this season all the year and want to buy the best of lawns from the galore of vibrantly printed lawn textiles that throng the local markets. Not only the cities are painted with large hoardings all over but television and social media become replete with lawn catalogs and commercials. The textile owners spend millions of rupees to develop their lawn campaigns every year. These ads are usually the most colorful and eye catching ads of the year. Let us look at the very best lawn television commercials (TVCs) of 2017 and try to decide which among these is the top campaign that will attract the maximum buyers.
Khaadi lawn television commercial 2017
Khaadi has been one of the pioneers in making innovative television commercials every year. They use top models and the aesthetic geniuses to design their ad campaigns. Their team of directors and producers always come up with novel and tempting ads.
As you can see from the commercial, colors and flowers are the main theme and it reflects in their collection also. Overall the ad reflects fun and free spirit. There are many models playing around in a homely, traditional and colorful environment. There are lots of birds that is an allegory to freedom. The background score is soft and soothing again with a touch of local folk and it amalgamates beautifully with the video. The colorful collection gets enhanced by the setting of a royal courtyard. The props are unique and again embellish the local feel of the set. If you have not seen it yet, here is the khaadi television commercial lawn 2017.
Sana Safinaz lawn television commercial lawn 2017
Be bold, be unique that is the new lawn mantra by one of the biggest fashion houses of Pakistan Sana Safinaz. A luxuriously designed set complements the colorful collection. Although the ad lacks the color and vibrancy that was essential in most other television commercial lawn 2017, but this TVC is really unique. The ad has an exotic feel to it. White and grey is dominant in the setting. Even in the Sana Safinaz Lawn collection you can see that most of the dresses are combinations of black and whites. White curtain, white floors and white props, if you ask me there is a bit too much white in it for my liking. However the TVC is elegant and aesthetic and will definitely attract a good amount of clientele.
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Here is a look at their lawn TVC
Nishat Spring Summer 2017 Lawn Television commercial
Nishat is another big name among the fashion houses. Their collection is always unique and colorful and this time so is their television commercial lawn 2017. Set in the beautiful and scenic Sri Lankan background here we see the models donning beautiful and colorful prints that match the surrounding environment. However due to the foreign location sometimes the attention is taken away by the surroundings instead of the dresses that should have been the main attraction. That makes the Khaadi and Sana Safinaz TVC better as the main focus there remain on the clothing and design and the background enhances the colorful dresses instead of taking away the limelight.
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Although the ad may capture the attention of general audience but that would be mainly because of the locality and beauty of the setting than the clothes. Fun, freedom, friendship and travel are the main themes here again. The four ladies featured are high achievers in different fields and not regular models but they display good acting and modeling skills and emanates the spirit of living the life to the fullest that the haunting background score also mentions in a sonorous voice.
So Kamal Lawn television commercial 2017
Here we are visiting the enchanting Italy. The first few seconds show no clothing and the ad seems to be a music video or a tourism ad but as things proceed it becomes better and the focus shifts to clothes and not on the scenic country. Although the designs and the clothing do not blend well with the surroundings but still as the collection is quite different form the rest of the collections so it does leave an impact. This is one collection that either people will love or hate. There is a lack of colors in the ad. Lawn is supposed to be all about colors and intricate patterns. Even when you are spending a great amount of time and money in creating a commercial, take care to infuse the basics in. Take a look at their commercial.
Gul Ahmad Lawn television commercial 2017
For me Gul Ahmad is the clear winner this year for designing a bold campaign celebrating the individuality and the perfect imperfections of every woman. ‘Main perfect Hoon’ and rightly said. We see women with unconventional features feeling proud of themselves and their physical appearances. Whether you have curly hair, crooked nose or dark skin, do not care and dress as you please, you are beautiful. The best part is celebrating the tom boy look and saying ‘dress code ka code tor do’ as a girl wear sneakers with shalwar kameez which is considered a big no under normal dressing scheme. Gul Ahmad claim to be the original lawn and their Lawn Television commercial is also quite original this year.
check out their lawn television commercial here
Here are some other lawn TVCs worth watching
Let us know which Lawn television commercial convinced you to buy from it and which one is your favorite. We await your feedback in the comments section below.
Wow this is really interesting. I like the Nishat Linen commercial most
I also like Nishat Linen commercial most although khaadi clothes are best
well written