Eating healthy is essential if you want to stay healthy. Not only does nutritional food keep your health in check, it also gives you stronger nails, better hair, and flawless skin. Unfortunately, eating healthy can sometimes be expensive and not everyone can afford it. Does that mean you should jeopardize your health by eating junk food? Absolutely not! Look for alternative ways to eat healthy.

Eating Healthy Without Breaking the Bank

We have listed some ways that will ensure that you do not opt for cheaper, unhealthier food, but stay on track instead!

eating healthy
If you are broke and still want to eat healthy, do not worry! Plan instead

Buy Seasonal Produce

Buy the fruits and vegetables that are in season. Foods that are in season are usually cheaper because they are available in abundance. A good bargain can make them even cheaper, because the sellers want to finish their supply instead of hoarding it. Buy in season foods from cheaper localities for bigger savings!

Stock Up!

Stock up on non perishable items like beans and grains. Do it especially when they are on sale. Bulk buying often comes with its own discount as well. Take advantage of these discounts. Find ways to preserve foods, so that you can buy bigger batches on a discounted price. For instance, buy dozens of bananas, and freeze them. Puree vegetables like tomatoes and freeze them.

Buy Cheap Cuts

Buy cheap cuts of meats. They are cheap because they take a while to cook! Take out your slow cooker and put it to good use. It is better to spend more time cooking, then to spend more money buying meat if you are broke!

Visit The Farmer’s Market

Farmers markets are awesome, but make sure you plan your trip at the right time by going at peak days (for instance if it’s open for 3 days a week, go on the 3rd), and peak times (one hour before closing). Sellers don’t want to load all the stuff to take it back because it can go bad. So they will probably sell it to you on a cheaper price.

Check Out Ethnic Markets

Ethnic markets are great for getting authentic products and interesting ingredients cheaply. You will be able to include some great spices in your meals which means more flavor, and more saving!

Make Your Fermented Products

Make your own ferment products like kefir, sauerkraut, and kombucha. You can make them at a fraction of the price they are sold at in the market. Fermented foods are very healthy, and you must make them a part of your diet. Check out this recipe.

Do Not Waste Anything

Do not waste food. Refrigerate left overs that can be re used for other dishes. Wasting food is a no-no, whether you are broke or not.

Also Read: Foods That Give You Quick Energy

Eat Your Veggies

Eat more vegetables. While eating animals is also essential, eating them daily is not generally advisable. Meat is usually more expensive too. Vegetables have a host of benefits. Learn creative ways of cooking vegetables so that you will enjoy those meals.

eating healthy doesn’t have to be expensive!

Got any tips on budget eating? What are some healthy food items that are cheap where you live? Let us know in the comments below!

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