The world is increasingly becoming more connected. Cultural diversity has increased around the world. People are now more open than ever before. Secrets are no longer secrets. All countries around the world have different beauty secrets. Let’s look at some of them today!
Beauty Secrets From Different Countires
Do you have stretch marks? They appear after a rapid increase in weight or growth spurt. Once they appear, they are hard to get rid of, because they are actually scar tissue. Yarrow extract is a beauty hack which has been used by Australian Aboriginal ladies for many generations to get rid of their stretch marks. Yarrow root has anti inflammatory compounds, and also hydrates skin. The combination is great for healing skin irritations and healing old injuries. Look for a stretch mark cream which has yarrow root extract. Australians also use tea tree oil for dandruff. Add a some drops of tea tree oil into your shampoo. It will moisturize your scalp and provide a relief from itching and flaking. You can also buy shampoos with tea tree oil.
Oats are great for skin. They are full of nutrients and vitamins which have healing and nourishing properties. Brazilians use oats to get rid of a sunburn. They tie up oats in a gauze and position it over the tab of the bath tub. The then turn it on and fill the tub, letting the water filter through the bag of oats. They then bath with that water to get rid of sunburn.
Avocado is greatly used Columbia and other Latin American countries for beauty purposes. It is good for hair, as well as skin. Take an avocado, a banana, and some olive oil. Mash them to make a paste. Apply the paste on your hair. Let it sit for 30 minutes. Follow with a rinse, shampoo, and conditioner. You will have bouncy, smooth hair after that!
Costa Rica
Women in Costa Rica mix orange juice and water (in a 1:1 ratio) and use a cotton ball to apply it onto their faces. Wait for some minutes, and then rinse it off. It will make your pores less obvious.
This tip is for a vibrant, glowing skin. Chilean women mix crushed red grapes with white flour. A handful of grapes is and some tablespoons of flour are all you need. Mix them together, and apply it on your face for ten minutes, and then wash it off. This will brighten up your face.
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Dominican Republic
A great way to strengthen nails is to use garlic. This tip is from the women of the Dominican Republic, who cut fresh garlic and add it to clear nail polish. They let is sit for a week, and then apply it to their nails. It smells bad, but the smell will wear off. Garlic will make your nails stronger.
Bulgaria is famous all over the world for Rose Valley. It produces more than 85% of the world’s rose oil. So the Bulgarian women have discovered many uses of rose oil and rose petals. Rose water is perfect rinse for glowing, healthy skin. Use a well diluted rose oil, or boil rose petals in water. It will hydrate your skin, and make it clearer.

Croatians take nettles and boil them in water. They use that water to wash their hair. This water can also replace shampoos. It will get rid of itchy scalp.
Soak your fingers in lemon juice for 10 minutes to get rid of nail stains. French women also indulge in milk and honey baths for a soft, smooth, healthy, and glowing skin.
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Greek women have a many beauty secrets, including olive oil. It is rich in antioxidants and vitamins, and great if taken orally too. In Greece, people eat olive oil regularly. Olive oil is great for skin and over all health. Switch your regular cooking all with olive all. Use it as a dressing for salad. It also has anti aging properties. Seems like the women in Greece have it all, gorgeous skin and lustrous hair. Greek women use water steeped in rosemary to rinse their hair. Rosemary removes buildup from hair and cleanses it deeply. You can also add apple cider vinegar to the mixture. Rosemary darkens hair, so if you do not intend to change the color of your hair, use this tip sparingly. There is another tip from Greece! Apply a mixture of olive oil and yogurt for a deep conditioning hair mask.Take one cup of yogurt and 1 tea spoon of olive oil. It will make your hair silky and smooth. Shampoo your hair before using this natural conditioner. Let it stay for five minutes before rinsing off. Your hair will be shiny and more manageable. Let me include one more tip from Greece! Get some whites from two eggs and whip them up to make them frothy. Apply them to hair while hair is wet. Let it stay for 10 minutes, then rinse it off. Follow with a shampoo. This will moisturize your hair!
Mix cranberry juice with water (1:1 ration), and pour it over your hair after shampooing. It is recommended to spend some time in the sun after this. You can also use hibiscus tea if you do not have cranberry juice. You do not have to rinse out hibiscus tea. This will give your hair a reddish hue. If you are already a red head, it will enhance the color of your hair. If you do not want a red tinge, go for lemon juice or chamomile or calendula instead. They will bring out blonde highlights and lighten your hair. Spanish women also have a great tip for dark circles around eyes. If you have dark circles around your eyes and want to get rid of them, cut thin potato slices and put them on your eyes for ten minutes. Doing this will lighten the skin around your eyes. It is recommended to do this regularly.

Freeze green tea in an ice cube tray, and use them in place of a toner. If you do not want to use on ice on your face, just use tea bags. Saunas are also very popular in Sweden. They help the body get rid of toxins. Mix olive oil, eucalyptus essential oil, and rock salt, and apply it all over your body if you can’t go to a sauna. This will remove toxins from your skin. Free some mineral water and let it thaw a bit. Use the icy cold water to wash your face. This will make your skin more firm and reduce puffiness around the eye area.

In Poland, ladies make hair masks using the egg yolk with a few drops of olive oil and lemon juice. They leave it on for 15 minutes before rinsing it out. The nutrients in egg yolk makes hair stronger.
In Romania they soak nails in a bowl with vitamin A oil and warm olive oil. Do this for a few minutes a couple of days every week. The olive oil and vitamin A will nourish the cuticle beds, which will make nails stronger. If you have brittle nails which break off easily, this remedy is ideal for you.
United Kingdom
Their is an abundance of lime in water in UK. Lime makes hair weak, brittle, dry and breakable. So most women in UK do not wash hair more than thrice a week. On the days they are not washing hair, they keep on a shower cap and use a dry shampoo instead. Regular shampooing strips hair of natural oil, making it dry and lifeless.
Rice a beauty secret in China! Women in China use rice water to rinse their face. Rice is full of antioxidants, which nourishes your skin and fights harmful free radicals. Get some rice and soak it in water for 10 minutes. Use the water to rinse your face regularly. Chinese women use camellia oil for stretch marks twice a day. Done regularly, this has the ability to reduce the appearance of stretch marks and other discoloration.

Before a wedding in India, the bride applies turmeric paste all over her body and face to make it vibrant. This paste can be made by mixing a tea spoon of turmeric powder with honey and yogurt. Apply it on your face, and let it stay for fifteen minutes before washing off. This will make your skin glow. If done regularly, it can also get rid of unwanted hair. Coconut oil is used in India for hair. If it is in a solid state, micro wave it to melt it before using. Massage it on your head. Coconut oil will increase blood circulation, thereby strengthening the hair follicles. This will make hair grow faster. Coconut oil moisturizes damaged and dry hair. Apply it overnight for the maximum effect. You can also use coconut oil as a skin moisturizer. Coconut oil also protects skin from UV rays.
The Philippines
The woman in Philippines have glossy and shiny hair. They use aloe for a glossy look. Break open an aloe leave, and rub the gel on your hair and scalp. If you do not have an aloe vera plant, buy aloe gel from store. Wash it off after applying it and enjoy your glossy hair. Rinse it out and you should see glossier locks. Aloe vera is also great for skin. It acts as a natural sunscreen. It also has soothing and calming effect.
In Japan, women stay away from sunlight to protect their skin. They carry umbrellas on sunny days. They also cover their arms and legs, and also wear a hat. Japanese have gorgeous, silky hair. This is partly because of their diet. They consume seaweed which is a rich source of iodine. Iodine has a lot of health benefits, not just for hair, but for the whole body. Japanese women also drink match green tea. It purifies their blood and helps them stay in shape too.
Singapore is very humid. The average is 90%, and it’s there the whole year. Humidity makes hair frizzy and prone to flyways. Singaporean women massage coconut oil onto the ends of hair before going sleeping . This makes their hair manageable and controls frizz. There is also a tip for your face from Singapore! Mash up a papaya or avocado, rub the mixture on your face, let it sit for fifteen minutes, and then rinse it off. These fruits have oils that moisturize face. Papaya is also a great natural exfoliant because of an enzyme called papain.
This beauty secret is dates back to Cleopatra, who bathed in honey and milk to keep her skin glowing and soft. She also added lavender, strawberries, raspberries and rose petals to her baths. She used goats’ milk. It helped to slough off dead skin cells and exfoliated skin. This gave her a soft, youthful skin.
Mud contains minerals which are good for you! Mud from the Dead Sea is famous for its rich mineral content. Women in Israel use mud from the Dead Sea to cover their bodies then dip in the salty water. Some even take jars to the beach to bring some mud home. Many bath products in the world use mud from the Dead Sea. Israeli women also have a tip for wrinkles. Mix ginger and honey to prevent wrinkles. Add a little water to ginger and honey, and rub the paste on your face. This can be a part of your anti aging regime.
Use argan oil to moisturize and hydrate your face. You only need some drops of it. You can also use argan oil fro dry hair and hair growth. It can be used as a leave in conditioner for silky, smooth hair. It is also good for flyways and frizzy hair.

In Turkey, ladies who want to lighten their hair boil a cup of daisies. Remove the daisies from water after five minutes, and let the water cool down. Apply the water on your hair. No need to rinse it off. It is better to go out in the sun after doing this.
Women in Mexico use spoons to get curly eye lashes. Close your eyes, and place a teaspoon over one eye so that it is cupping the lid. The edge at the bottom of the spoon should be touching the roots of the upper lashes. Press your lashes up against the spoon with your thumb, and push the edge of the spoon up to the ends of lashes. The pressure will curl your lashes. After this step, put mascara on.
Women in Russia use oatmeal as a face mask. Take 2 tablespoons of oats and soak them in warm water to make them soft. This takes around 10 minutes. After that, add a table spoon of olive oil and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Make a paste and apply it on your face. Wash off after 10 minutes. This will make your skin soft and smooth. It will also take care of discoloration and marks.
New Zealand
Have you heard about the Manuka honey? It comes from New Zealand. Women in New Zealand drink honey water with lemon. Honey is anti bacterial and contains a lot of anti oxidants. Honey strengthens immune system and protects you from diseases. If you do not have manuka honey, use any honey you can get your hands on.
Korean women are very conscious about the way they look. They are taught about the importance of skin care since a very early age. They have a great interest in skin preserving methods. Korean babies are given barley water to fortify their skin. Korean women follow a 10 step skin regimen daily to keep their skin flawless, spotless, and well moisturized. The sheet masks that we see everywhere now gain their fame from Korea. You can read more about Korean beauty secrets and hacks here.
In Pakistan, the emphasis is on having a bright, glowing skin. Unlike the West, Pakistani women aren’t fond of tanning. They try to protect themselves from sunlight instead. One of the remedies recommended by Pakistani skin experts is lemon and milk mask. Take two table spoons of milk. Put some lemon drops in it. This will curdle the milk. Apply it on your face every night for ten minutes. If done regularly, this will remove tan from your face, light marks, and make your skin glow. Pakistani women also use mustard oil for hair. Mustard oil moisturizes hair and makes it stronger. Massage mustard oil before going to bed and wash it off in the morning. Repeat this twice a week for stronger hair.
Ever looked at Afghans and wonder how beautiful they are? Although their genes are mainly responsible for their beauty, diet also plays a large part. Afghans eat a lot of nuts like walnuts and almonds. They also like to munch on dates, figs, and raisins. Dried fruits provide vital nutrients to body and improve blood circulation. Fruits and vegetables are also a large part of their diet. Apart from that, they also use walnut oil for lustrous hair.
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Women in Ivory Coast use shea butter for softer skin. Shea butter can also be applied on hair for intense moisturization and deep conditioning. The butter is derived from the nuts of karite tree, which can be found in South Africa.
Women in Jamaica use baking soda as a beauty aid. Mix baking soda with water to make a paste. Apply it on pimples to dry them out. It will suck out all the dirt and impurities. Follow with a good moisturizer afterwards. Women in Jamaica also use vitamin E oil as moisturizer. Vitamin E hydrates and repairs skin. Vitamin E oil is also anti aging and full of anti oxidants.

It is amazing how women from all parts of the world use simple kitchen products in their quest for beauty. As the world becomes more connected, we learn something new about each other everyday. With so many beauty secrets, it is easy to get overwhelmed. Which one should you use? Don’t worry. Choose the ones which seem the best for your beauty woes. Alternatively, you can also try different ones every week. This way your skin and hair will get plenty of nutrients. Be mindful of your skin type though. For instance, if your skin is oily, I wouldn’t recommend any oil. Be instinctive. Choose remedies that you think will work for your skin and health. Most importantly, be consistent. And also remember that these remedies take time to work. Give them at least three months. Do not eat junk food as it can be harmful not just for your skin, but also for your over health. Remaining stress free is also very important. Go to they gym, or go for a walk daily. Do some light exercises daily. This will not only keep your body in shape, but will also decrease stress levels in your body. Increased stress level can cause skin problems, make you age faster, and it can even make your hair fall. During times of stress, drink a lot of water. Make sure your sleeping habits are healthy. Sleep for eight hours daily, preferably from 10 pm to 6 am. Night time sleep is more important than naps in the day. Incorporate all this in your life, and soon you will see a positive impact.
Which country are you from? What beauty remedies are popular in your country of origin/residence? Share with us in the comments below!