It is quite often that one reach the workplace late. Usually it is when one was late night binge watching on Netflix or hanging out with friends and woke up late. Of course you cannot give this as an excuse to your boss that I am late because I had been having a blast of a night with my friends. You need to have something solid cooked up that you can say in front of your boss and get away with coming late. You must have a number of great excuses to keep you safe from scoldings.
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These are some hilarious but usually workable excuses that you can give to your boss about why you were late from work.
25 – My Dog got stuck in the toilet
If you have a pet dog or a cat or in fact no pet at all, you can ace with this excuse. Of course no one would want you to leave your pet stuck in the toilet where it might die. Of course you needed to stay back and take it out of the toilet. But beware if your boss knows that you do not have a pet then you are in big trouble.
24 – I was working on the next month’s budget, assignment
Well who would blame you for getting late if you were working in the home too. In fact working before the normal office hour, good job mate. Although if asked about the details of the work you were doing you must have something to show, so make sure the work that you make excuse about, you know about it well.
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23 – The rowdy neighborhood kids punctured my car
If you come by car, this can be a great excuse. Even if you take the tube and your boss does not know you are good to go.
22 – There was a rain forecast and I could not find my umbrella.
How many times the meteorologists are wrong in their whether assessment. So try to be that firm believer in that really cool weather lady and say that you wanted to come prepared. Of course nobody would like to have a soggy worker making the office wet with his damp clothes and shoes.
21 – Roommate slipped and fell in bathroom, had to take him to a hospital
And if your room mate is nonexistent, remember it is just an excuse. The roommate can be a neighbor also.
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20 – Car with pregnant lady parked in front of me
Yeah and the process was halfway through so I had to sit through it completely. Feeling noxious now, might get you a full day leave.
19 – Could not find my stress relief medicine
I cannot function without my stress meds and I could not find them so I had to go to the pharmacy to get new ones. And if you were terribly late the story can continue that the pharmacy was out of the meds so I have to go to some other pharmacy and on and on. There is no limit to this excuse because it has the element that invokes pity, medicine.

18 – The birds had destroyed my wind screen
Those annoying birds, they made a huge mess of my car. The shield was covered in bird dropping when I came to my car. Had to spend an hour cleaning it off.
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17 – Nephew staying over had eraser stuck in his nose
Kids these days are just rascals. Now take is nephew of mine who is staying over of a week. He stuck the eraser in his nose and I had to take him to the emergency.
16 – Water ran out, I could not shower, heck could not even brush my teeth
And did not want to kill everyone in the office with my bad breath.
15 – My cat was giving birth
I was delivering the miracle of life, bringing beautiful tiny fur balls in this world. Of course office could wait.
14 – I saw a dog hit by car left on the road. Had to help.
Okay so what kind of person I would be of I leave the poor creature whimpering on the road. Rushed it to the vet.
13 – Had a bad brain freeze due freezing smoothie in breakfast
Had an ice cold smoothie and then could not shake off the brain freeze for half an hour.
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12 – Was having a migraine
Was having a migraine is one the best excuses because it is an ailment that anyone can have. Taking a few fake tablets in front of the boss will convince them for sure.
11 – Slipped on the stairs and sprained my ankle
So why were you not taking the elevators, well cardio of course wanted to try the new healthy lifestyle routine.
10 – Friend’s little son was playing with mobile and he reset the alarm clock
9 – Friend’s name popped up in the ECL and he was stranded on the airport
And of course who else would have helped him in the hour of need except yours truly.
8 – House was raided by police, mistakenly
But make sure you stress the mistaken point enough, you do not want people at your work think of you as a drug pusher.
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7 – Ate some rotten Chinese food and had food poisoning
Chinese food is notorious for causing food poisoning so it is an easy bait. This might be a good excuse to get a full day off too so its better not to waste this excuse on a late day and save it for a full holiday. Act weak and dull after that.
6 – Due to street work road was blocked
And you had to take the long route which was full of traffic.
5 – Mobile broke down so there was no alarm to wake
4 – Helping the blind lady cross the road
If you are a little late this is the classic excuse and will work wonders.
3 – Coffee maker broke down and had to wait at Starbucks to get coffee
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2 – Someone Parked wrongly behind your car and could not get out
1 – And lastly the classic one – was stuck in the traffic
Do you have any other excuses that you would like to add to the list? let us know by commenting below.
Haha funny
Nice list of excuses